Sunday, June 1, 2014

That Was Then…This Is Now!

I have been thinking for a while that some of my designs from back in the 70's and 80's could really stand to be updated. What was perfect for 1975, say, had begun to seem a bit outdated to me. So I have rejuvenated some of the "oldies but goodies" in my line. Here are a few before and after pictures:

Above - oldie;  below - updated version

Above - oldie;  below - updated version

Unfortunately, I must have gotten rid of my oldie picture of the Tropical Fish Brick, but here is the new version. The oldie was darker and less colorful.

I plan on updating a few more designs, whenever I can find the time.

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All that being said, what amazes me is that quite a few of my "oldies" are still just as popular today as they were way back when. Here is a prime example - 42 years later, and it is just as enticing as it was in 1972, when I first designed it! Of course, back then, nobody did anything but basketweave with Paternayan wool. What makes a design like this ribbon pillow so more fun to stitch now is all the amazing fibers, beads and embellishments we have available to us, and the wonderful stitch books and diagrams that have been written in the past three to four decades.

As they used to say back in the 70's, "You've come a long way, baby!"

Janet Perry (Napa Needlepoint) is currently creating a stitch guide for this, which will really bring it into the 21st century. I can't wait to see it!


  1. Your talents continue to grow, Kate!! Love the before and after pictures! Thanks for sharing.
